Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A prisoner of negativity.

When I wake up in the morning the first thought in my mind comes that I am not going to read newspaper. As I know pretty well that most of the news section will be filled with hate, murders, conflicts and riots. I know that it is not good to ignore them being a citizen and human being but somehow these news affects you deeply in your mind and heart. Once, you read them you start thinking about them and of course, you will talk about it to your colleagues, friends, elders and even more, you can talk about it to strangers as well.

    But can you tell me one thing, is this the right way to change the system or to change the bad news into good one. I am sure you can not change anything about it only with your trivial talks. The more we think about bad things the more we will get them everyday. That is why this question arises,"Why, we are unable to shift our focus on different things?"

I can tell you about a personal experience. I have seen the great effects of focusing on positive things. When we focus on smile, we get more smile. When we leave our greatest fears, we feel intrepid. Here, I am not asking you to think about smile everytime. You can create smile only with your smile not with your mind. The positive side comes only from within. Sometimes we stuck in very difficult situations and nothing seems to work. Then what do we usually do? We go to temple, mosque. church or gurudwara of remembers the supreme power. And, what does it give you? It gives you the strength that God is there to help you and you felt secure.

May be it feels little strange but it true that whenever we get trouble, we bow down our heads in front of unseen powers and as we truly believe that we will get help from them then we really get it. This is an example of true faith. But it is not on self or within, it is still on the mysterious personalities. The motive of ours should be focus on our strength. We always know our rights and wrongs, our good and bad. So, we can anticipate from ourselves to overcome on bad circumstances.

                                                                                                                       There is no life in living
as a prisoner when you are free. Don't get confuse with what you can not do but stay on what you can do. Before one hour ago I was very confused but I am relaxed and feeling joyful as I have put all of my stress on this blog. I hope things will be good for me tomorrow as well for all of you and I hope you will get good news and blessings.

Good luck and good night.

PS~ First post from heart.

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